Usenix security papers. Distinguished Paper Award Winner.
Usenix security papers USENIX Security '20 has four submission deadlines. Papers are now due by Friday, February 28, 2014, at 4:59 p. The conference reports from ;login: are now online. EST (extended deadline). thereby undermining the system's security guarantees. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: Fingerprinting Obfuscated Proxy Traffic with Encapsulated TLS Handshakes: Diwen Xue, Michalis Kallitsis, Amir Houmansadr, Roya Ensafi: USENIX Security '24: Papers. USENIX Best Papers. Asokan: USENIX Security '24: Lightweight Authentication of Web Data via Garble-Then-Prove: USENIX Security '24: VeriSimplePIR: Verifiability in SimplePIR at No Online Cost for Honest Servers: Leo de Castro, Keewoo Lee All papers that are accepted by the end of the winter submission reviewing cycle (February–May 2022) will appear in the proceedings for USENIX Security '22. The first submission deadline for USENIX Security ’22 will occur in June 2021. Become a Sponsor: Sponsorship exposes your brand to highly qualified attendees, funds our grants program, supports open access to our conference content, and keeps USENIX conferences affordable. com signin. Submissions are due by Monday, February 23, 2015, 9:00 p. EST (hard deadline). Submissions are due on Thursday, February 18, 2016, 9:00 pm EST. Machines in Malware Classification: Simone Aonzo, Yufei Han, Alessandro Mantovani, Davide Balzarotti: USENIX Security '23: Adversarial Training for Raw-Binary Malware Classifiers: Keane Lucas, Samruddhi Pai, Weiran Lin, Lujo Bauer, Michael K. Conference Sponsorship. These instructions are for authors of accepted papers at the 34th USENIX Security Symposium. (USENIX USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. USENIX USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we study the security of the newly popular GitHub CI platform. Presentations: Towards Generic Database Management System Fuzzing. Wednesday: Crispin Cowan entered the security arena in 1998 at the Seventh USENIX Security Symposium with the StackGuard paper, which introduced stack canaries for buffer overflow protection, a technique now used A Large Scale Analysis of the Security of Embedded Firmwares. The paper abstracts should contain a sentence summarizing the USENIX ATC '99: Sendmail Evolution: 8. Please suggest significant USENIX Security papers published at least 10 years ago to be considered for the 2025 USENIX Security Test of Time Award. org. All submissions will be made online via their respective web forms : Summer Deadline , Fall Deadline , Winter Deadline . Krishnamurthy: USENIX Security '24: Formalizing Soundness Proofs of Linear PCP SNARKs: Bolton Bailey, Andrew Miller: USENIX Security '24 View the Call for Papers. While it is an attractive property, measuring it can incur prohibitive USENIX Security '24: Don't Waste My Efforts: Pruning Redundant Sanitizer Checks by Developer-Implemented Type Checks: Yizhuo Zhai, Zhiyun Qian, Chengyu Song, Manu Sridharan, Trent Jaeger, Paul Yu, Srikanth V. Submissions are due by Thursday, February 18, 2016, 9:00 pm EST (hard deadline); no abstract submission is required. Reiter, Mahmood Sharif: USENIX Security '23 The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Human Subjects and Ethical Considerations. 528. Find out more about the Internet Defense Prize. Feldman: USENIX Security '12: Impact of Spam Exposure on User Engagement: Anirban Dasgupta, Kunal Punera, Justin M. Support USENIX and our commitment to Open Access. To learn more, please contact the Sponsorship Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. We hope you enjoyed the event. Continental Breakfast. It is required that one of the paper authors attend the conference and present the work. The paper abstracts should contain a sentence summarizing the Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. For USENIX Security '25, the first deadline will be September 4, 2024, and the second will be January 22 Authors of papers submitted to USENIX Security '25 that have been accepted on shepherd approval or invited for major revision may submit a revised version of their papers only within the review cycle during which the paper was originally The 24th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 12-14, 2015, in Washington, D. Normalized Top-100 Security Papers. USENIX Security '24 "I Don't Know If We're Doing Good. Alahi: USENIX Security '24: From the Childhood Past: Views of Young Adults on Parental Sharing of Children's Photos: Tania Ghafourian, Nicholas Micallef, Sameer Patil: USENIX Security '24 How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers. Submissions should be typeset in two-column format using 10-point type on 12-point (single-spaced) leading in a text block 7" wide x 9" deep, with . Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: Terrapin Attack: Breaking SSH Channel Integrity By Sequence Number Manipulation: Fabian Bäumer, Marcus Brinkmann, Jörg Schwenk: USENIX Security '24: USENIX Security '23: Humans vs. The key idea of PhyAuth is to let each ZigBee transmitter embed into its PHY signals a PHY How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers . This paper presents Cache Telepathy: an efficient mechanism to help obtain a DNN’s architecture using the cache side USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Important: Note that some past USENIX Security Symposia have had different policies and requirements, please read the following text carefully. USENIX Security '24: Don't Waste My Efforts: Pruning Redundant Sanitizer Checks by Developer-Implemented Type Checks: Yizhuo Zhai, Zhiyun Qian, Chengyu Song, Manu Sridharan, Trent Jaeger, Paul Yu, Srikanth V. This change includes changes to the review process and submission policies. 8649. Prepublication versions of the accepted USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, In a USENIX Security 2020 paper titled "Cached and Confused: Web Cache Deception in the Wild", researchers presented the first systematic The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. In this paper, we propose a novel prediction perturbation defense named ModelGuard, which aims at defending against adaptive model extraction attacks while maintaining a high utility of the protected system. 34th USENIX Security Symposium The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. In this paper, we describe several security flaws found in the ID card manufacturing process. The 26th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 16–18, 2017, in Vancouver, BC. All submissions will be made online via the Web form, which will be USENIX Security '20: Stealthy Tracking of Autonomous Vehicles with Cache Side Channels: Mulong Luo, Andrew C. Papers and proceedings are freely available to everyone once the event begins. We evaluate the performance overhead and security of Kalium using realistic open-source applications; our results show that Kalium mitigates several classes of attacks with relatively USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Find out more below. 5 MB ZIP) USENIX Security '20 Attendee List (PDF) Display: Column; List; View mode: condensed; Standard; Expanded; For regular papers, shorter papers won't be penalized; thus, authors are encouraged to submit papers of appropriate length based on the research contribution. 264 Decoders: Willy R. Submissions are due by Thursday, February 16, 2017, 5:00 p. Rao, Xuanhui Wang: SRUTI '05 32nd USENIX Security Symposium The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. ASM: A Programmable Interface for Extending Android Security Papers. access: some or all publications openly available has part: USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games, and Gamification in Security Education (3GSE) has part: Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET) has part: Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT) has part: USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI) USENIX Security '24: Neural Network Semantic Backdoor Detection and Mitigation: A Causality-Based Approach: Bing Sun, Jun Sun, Wayne Koh, Jie Shi: USENIX Security '24: MAGIC: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats via Masked Graph Representation Learning: Zian Jia, Yun Xiong, Yuhong Nan, Yao Zhang, Jinjing Zhao, Mi Wen: USENIX Security '24 Thanks for joining us in Washington, D. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: d-DSE: Distinct Dynamic Searchable Encryption Resisting Volume Leakage in Encrypted Databases: USENIX Security '23: HECO: Fully Homomorphic Encryption Compiler: Alexander Viand, Patrick Jattke, Miro Haller, Anwar HotCRP. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the summer submission deadline are available below. USENIX Security '24: SHiFT: Semi-hosted Fuzz Testing for Embedded Applications: Alejandro Mera, Changming Liu, Ruimin Sun, Engin Kirda, Long Lu: USENIX Security '24: A Friend's Eye is A Good Mirror: Synthesizing MCU Peripheral Models from Peripheral Drivers: Chongqing Lei, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Yan Yang, Junzhou Luo, Xinwen Fu: USENIX Security '23 You may submit your USENIX Security '18 paper submission for consideration for the Prize as part of the regular submission process. , the "Beneficence" and "Respect for Persons" analyses would agree. Krishnamurthy: USENIX Security '24: Formalizing Soundness Proofs of Linear PCP SNARKs: Bolton Bailey, Andrew Miller: USENIX Security '24 USENIX Security '19 had two submission deadlines. Preview. , all papers except those that have been revised after receiving an "Invited for Major Revision" decision at USENIX Security '25 or "Accept Conditional on Major Revision" at USENIX Security '24) should consist of at most 13 typeset pages for the main body of the paper, one additional page for discussing ethics considerations and compliance with the Submission Policies. Papers that have been formally reviewed and accepted will be presented during the Symposium and published in the Symposium Proceedings. If you wish to submit a paper or deliver a talk at another upcoming USENIX event, please review the open Calls for Papers and Calls for Participation for our upcoming USENIX conferences . USENIX Security '24: The Challenges of Bringing Cryptography from Research Papers to Products: Results from an Interview Study with Experts: Konstantin Fischer, Ivana Trummová, Phillip Gajland, Yasemin Acar, Sascha Fahl, Angela Sasse: USENIX Security '24: Splitting the Difference on Adversarial Training: Matan Levi, Aryeh Kontorovich: OSDI '24 Paper Content: Papers need to describe the purpose and goals of the work, cite related work, show how the work effectively integrates usability or human factors with security or privacy, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work or lessons learned as well as the contribution of the work to the field. USENIX Security '24 has three submission deadlines. The ranking has been created based on citations of papers published at top security conferences. Top. File metadata and controls. To learn more, please contact the Sponsorship USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we formulate a new security property, Real-time Mission Execution Integrity (RMEI) to provide proof of correct and timely execution of the missions. Shawn Shan, University of Chicago; Jenna Cryan, University of Chicago; Emily Wenger, University of Chicago; Haitao Zheng, University of Chicago USENIX Security '24: 6Sense: Internet-Wide IPv6 Scanning and its Security Applications: Grant Williams, Mert Erdemir, Amanda Hsu, Shraddha Bhat, Abhishek Bhaskar, Frank Li, Paul Pearce: USENIX Security '24: SHiFT: Semi-hosted Fuzz Testing for Embedded Applications: Alejandro Mera, Changming Liu, Ruimin Sun, Engin Kirda, Long Lu: USENIX Security '24 Conference Sponsorship. Reiter: USENIX This paper argues that information hiding is a weak isolation model and shows that attackers can find hidden information, such as CPI’s SafeStacks, in seconds—by means of thread spraying. Visa The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Component-based software design is a primary engineering approach for Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24 USENIX Security '23: HOMESPY: The Invisible Sniffer of Infrared Remote Control of Smart TVs: Kong Huang, YuTong Zhou, Ke Zhang, Jiacen Xu, Jiongyi Chen, Di Tang, Kehuan Zhang: Paper Content: Papers need to describe the purpose and goals of the work, cite related work, show how the work effectively integrates usability or human factors with security or privacy, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work or lessons learned as well as the contribution of the work to the field. Glaze: Protecting Artists from Style Mimicry by Text-to-Image Models. The audio files of the keynote, invited talks, and best paper presentations also available and are free to everyone. The online proceedings, including audio files of the paper presentations, are now available to USENIX members. Enter terms . Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: Unleashing the Power of Type-Based Call Graph Construction by Using Regional Pointer Information: Yuandao Cai, Yibo Jin, These instructions are for authors of accepted papers at the 34th USENIX Security Symposium. USENIX Security '24 Lotto: Secure Participant Selection against Adversarial Servers in USENIX Security '24 has three submission deadlines. Bug Hunters’ Perspectives on the Challenges and Benefits of the USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we revisit the security of IR remote control schemes and examine their security assumptions under the settings of internet-connected smart homes. Please read the following text carefully. com username and password. All submissions will be made online via the Web form, which will be USENIX Security '24: Query Recovery from Easy to Hard: Jigsaw Attack against SSE: Hao Nie, Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Xianglong Zhang, Laurence T. Initial paper submissions (i. USENIX Security '24 submissions deadlines are as follows: Summer Deadline: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 11:59 pm AoE Fall Deadline: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 11:59 pm AoE Winter Deadline: Thursday, February 8, 2024, 11:59 pm AoE All papers that are accepted by the end of the winter submission reviewing cycle (February–June 2024) will appear in the USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we present PhyAuth, a PHY hop-by-hop message authentication framework to defend against packet-injection attacks in ZigBee networks. The paper abstracts should contain a sentence summarizing the USENIX Security ’17 Thursday Paper Archive (ZIP) USENIX Security ’17 Friday Paper Archive (ZIP) Display: Column; List; View mode: condensed; Standard; Expanded; Wednesday, August 16, 2017 7:30 am–9:00 am. Important: Note that some past USENIX Security Symposia have had different policies and requirements. The 34th USENIX Security Symposium will be held on August 13–15, 2025, in Seattle, WA, USA. Important Dates. We focus on two specific questions: (1) whether IR signals could be sniffed by USENIX Security '24: Web Platform Threats: Automated Detection of Web Security Issues With WPT: Pedro Bernardo, Lorenzo Veronese, Valentino Dalla Valle, Stefano Calzavara, Marco Squarcina, Pedro Adão, Matteo Maffei: USENIX Security '24: The Impact of Exposed Passwords on Honeyword Efficacy: Zonghao Huang, Lujo Bauer, Michael K. Detailed information is available at USENIX Security Publication Model Papers. . 5" x 11" paper. New poster submissions of unpublished works will be also accepted. In this paper, we present Kalium, an extensible security framework that leverages local function state and global application state to enforce control-flow integrity (CFI) in serverless applications. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we formulate a new security property, Real-time Mission Execution Integrity (RMEI) to provide In a USENIX Security 2020 paper titled "Cached and Confused: Web Cache Deception in the Wild", researchers presented the first systematic exploration of the attack over 340 websites. Blame. , Canada, for the 15th USENIX Security Symposium. PST (hard deadline). USENIX Security '24: Towards More Practical Threat Models in Artificial Intelligence Security: Kathrin Grosse, Lukas Bieringer, Tarek R. Submissions should be finished, complete papers. SKYPORT first identifies safely-backportable patches of injection vulnerabilities and web The USENIX Security Symposium is excited to have an in-person conference after two years of virtual conferences. Submissions that describe experiments on human subjects, that analyze data derived from human subjects (even anonymized How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers . booktitle = {30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21)}, year = / papers / USENIX-Security / 2023. Jay Bosamiya, Carnegie Mellon University; Wen Shih Lim, Carnegie Mellon University; Bryan Parno, Carnegie Mellon University Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association. Paper Authors: USENIX requires a signed consent to publish form Paper Content: Papers need to describe the purpose and goals of the work, cite related work, show how the work effectively integrates usability or human factors with security or privacy, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work or lessons learned as well as the contribution of the work to the field. USENIX Security '24 USENIX Security '23. 9 MB ZIP) USENIX Security '20 Friday Paper Archive (92. Send a hard copy to: Security Symposium USENIX Association 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215 Berkeley CA 94710 U. This state-of-the-art approach for WCD detection injects markers into The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. The audio, video, and slides are being posted as available. 2025 USENIX Security Test of Time Award: Call for Nominations. USENIX Security '24: Fast RS-IOP Multivariate Polynomial Commitments and Verifiable Secret Sharing: Zongyang Zhang, Weihan Li, Yanpei Guo, Kexin Shi, Sherman S. Important: The USENIX Security Symposium is moving to multiple submission deadlines for USENIX Security '19. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: USENIX Security '24: Snowflake, a censorship circumvention system using temporary WebRTC proxies: Cecylia Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. EST. The 28th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 14–16, 2019, in Santa Clara, CA. C. Detailed information is available at USENIX Security Publication Model Changes. Thanks to those of you who joined us in Bellevue, WA, for USENIX Security '12! As part of our commitment to open access, the papers from USENIX Security '12 are free and openly accessible via the Technical Sessions Web page. Up-and-coming track paper submissions due: Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:59 Thanks to those of you who joined us in San Diego for USENIX Security '14! As part of our commitment to open access to research, we've already made the proceedings, slides, and recordings free and open to the public. Garcia, and Baris Ege. Submissions are due on February 28, 2014 (extended deadline). Do not email submissions. All submissions will be made online via the Web form. 449 cites at Google Scholar. Edward Suh: USENIX Security '20: SAVIOR: Securing Autonomous Vehicles with Robust Physical Invariants: Raul Quinonez, Jairo Giraldo, Luis Salazar, Erick Bauman, Alvaro Cardenas, Zhiqiang Lin: USENIX Security '20 USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Code. Andrei Costin, Jonas Zaddach, Aurélien Francillon, and Davide Balzarotti, Eurecom. Title Authors Paper Code Video Slides; Improving Logging to Reduce Permission Over-Granting Mistakes: Papers. Papers are due by Thursday, February 21, 2013, at 11:59 p. 33" inter-column space, formatted for 8. As part of our commitment to open access to research, the full Proceedings, video and audio recordings, and presentation slides are available on the technical sessions page. booktitle = {33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24)}, year = {2024}, isbn = {978-1-939133-44-1}, address = {Philadelphia USENIX Security '24: Smudged Fingerprints: Characterizing and Improving the Performance of Web Application Fingerprinting: Brian Kondracki, Nick Nikiforakis: USENIX Security '24: Fingerprinting Obfuscated Proxy Traffic with Encapsulated TLS Handshakes: Diwen Xue, Michalis Kallitsis, Amir Houmansadr, Roya Ensafi: USENIX Security '24 Papers and proceedings are freely available to everyone once the event begins. Provably-Safe Multilingual Software Sandboxing using WebAssembly. Retain current filters . g. Sign in using your HotCRP. In some cases, the ethics analyses under multiple principles will lead to the same conclusion for what is "right", e. "I can say I'm John Travoltabut I'm not John Travolta": Investigating the Impact of Changes to Social Media Verification Policies on User Perceptions of Verified Accounts Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. This webpage is an attempt to assemble a ranking of top-cited papers from the area of computer security. (NDSS 2012). 9:00 a. Besold, Alexandre M. The 25th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 10–12, 2016, in Austin, TX. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Conference Acronym . USENIX Security '16 Symposium Reception USENIX Security '24 has three submission deadlines. Submission Policies. 9:00 am–9:30 am. Chung, Brendan Saltaformaggio, Wenke Lee: USENIX Security '23: Egg Hunt in Tesla Infotainment: A First Look at Reverse Engineering of Qt Binaries: Haohuang Wen, Zhiqiang Lin Special Paper Presentation: At 9:00 pm there will be a presentation of the USENIX Security '13 paper "Dismantling Megamos Crypto: Wirelessly Lockpicking a Vehicle Immobilizer,” by Roel Verdult, Flavio D. Distinguished Paper Award Winner. Search results. SKYPORT first identifies safely-backportable patches of injection vulnerabilities and web Initial paper submissions (i. Raw. Filter List View By: Year . USENIX is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on sponsor support to fulfill its mission. A. We first identify four fundamental security Important: In 2023, USENIX Security introduced substantial changes to the review process, aimed to provide a more consistent path towards acceptance and reduce the number of times papers reenter the reviewing process. Presentations: Accelerating Secure Collaborative Machine Learning with Protocol-Aware RDMA. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the fall submission deadline are available below. , for the 24th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '15). The 29th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 12–14, 2020. This state-of-the-art approach for WCD USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers. We also apply Phasing to the OT-based PSI protocol of Pinkas et al. 4527% above average of year Visited: Sep Conference Sponsorship. Thanks for joining us in Baltimore, MD, USA, for the 27th USENIX Security Symposium, the largest in the symposium's history. We first identify four fundamental security Papers. The above-cited 2023 USENIX Security paper provides an accessible introduction to consequentialist and deontological ethics targeted at the computer security community. 10 and Beyond: Gregory Neil Shapiro, Eric Allman: USENIX Security '95: MIME Object Security Services: Issues in a Multi-User Environment: James M. md. Myers, G. It is the responsibility of the authors to find a suitable replacement presenter for The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Next page : Need help? The Symposium will accept submissions three times in 2021, in summer, fall, and winter. Practitioner track paper submissions due: Tuesday, February 20, Thanks to those of you who joined us in Vancouver, B. All papers will be available on Wednesday, August 14, 2019. Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association. The full program will be available soon. The title and abstract of a submission must be registered by Monday, February 16, 2015, 9:00 p. The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. USENIX Security '24 Summer Accepted Papers | USENIX Important: In 2023, USENIX Security introduced substantial changes to the review process, aimed to provide a more consistent path towards acceptance and reduce the number of times papers reenter the reviewing process. Submissions are due on Thursday, February 16, 2017, 5:00 p. 510. To learn more, please contact the Sponsorship Papers. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: USENIX Security '11: ADsafety: Type-Based Verification of JavaScript Sandboxing: Joe Gibbs Politz, Spiridon Aristides Eliopoulos, Arjun All papers submitted to USENIX Security '25 are expected to discuss the artifacts the authors will make publicly available; the authors should add this discussion in the one additional page allowed for discussing USENIX Security '24: False Claims against Model Ownership Resolution: Jian Liu, Rui Zhang, Sebastian Szyller, Kui Ren, N. Papers without a clear USENIX Security '20 Thursday Paper Archive (81. Grand Ballroom Foyer. We are, therefore, offering an opportunity to authors of papers from the 2020 and 2021 USENIX Security Symposium to present their papers as posters this year in Boston. EST (firm deadline). The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 9–11, 2023, in Anaheim, CA. USENIX Security is interested in all aspects of computing systems security and privacy. USENIX Security 2023 - Summer; USENIX Security 2023 - Fall; USENIX Security 2023 - Summer. The 19th USENIX WOOT Conference on Offensive Technologies (WOOT '25) will take place August 11–12, 2025, and will be co-located with the 34th USENIX Security Symposium in Seattle, WA, United States. Submissions are due on Monday, February 23, 2015, 9:00 p. USENIX Security '23: Forming Faster Firmware Fuzzers: USENIX Security '23: PUMM: Preventing Use-After-Free Using Execution Unit Partitioning: Carter Yagemann, Simon P. M. Chow, Ximeng Liu, Jin Dong: USENIX Security '24: Property Existence Inference against Generative Models: Lijin Wang, Jingjing Wang, Jie Wan, Lin Long, Ziqi Yang, Zhan Qin: USENIX USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Jian Jiang, Shape Security. How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers Important: Note that some past USENIX Security Symposia have had different anonymity policies and page limits. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: Exploring Covert Third-party Identifiers through External Storage in the Android New Era: Zikan Dong, Tianming Liu, Jiapeng Deng, Li Li, Minghui Yang, Meng Wang, Guosheng Xu, Guoai Xu: The USENIX Security Symposium is excited to have an in-person conference after two years of virtual conferences. Motivated by rising conference costs and increasing numbers of submitted and accepted papers, USENIX Security '25 will implement a new USENIX Best Papers. Important: Note that some past USENIX Security Symposia have had different anonymity policies and page limits. USENIX Security '23: The Most Dangerous Codec in the World: Finding and Exploiting Vulnerabilities in H. In this paper, we present Lotto, an FL system that addresses this fundamental, yet USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we revisit the security of IR remote control schemes and examine their security assumptions under the settings of internet-connected smart homes. Save the Date: USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. We find that the digital payment ecosystem supports the decentralized authority Conference Sponsorship. USENIX Security '24 Technical Sessions Tracks 1–7: Grand Ballroom Salons A–K: 12:15 pm–1:45 pm: Lunch (on your own) 1:45 pm–2:45 pm: USENIX Security '24 Technical Sessions Tracks 1–7: Grand Ballroom Salons A–K: 2:45 pm–3:15 pm: Coffee and Tea Break: Grand Ballroom Foyer: 3:15 pm–4:15 pm: USENIX Security '24 Technical Sessions USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, In a USENIX Security 2020 paper titled "Cached and Confused: Web Cache Deception in the Wild", researchers presented the first systematic exploration of the attack over 340 websites. The Symposium will span three days, with a technical program USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we study the security of the newly popular GitHub CI platform. e. Speculative Denial-of-Service Attacks In Ethereum USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we design a security patch backporting framework and implement a prototype on injection vulnerability patches, called SKYPORT. booktitle = {33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24)}, year = {2024}, isbn = {978-1-939133-44-1 USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Cycle 2 paper submissions are due on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Cardenas: USENIX Security '24: SWOOSH: Efficient Lattice-Based Non-Interactive Key Exchange: Phillip Gajland, Bor de Kock, Miguel Quaresma, Giulio Malavolta, Peter Schwabe: USENIX Security '24 The 23rd USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 20-22, 2014, in San Diego, CA. PST. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Donate Today. Award: Distinguished Paper Award. In this paper, we present Lotto, an FL system that addresses this fundamental, yet USENIX Security '24: SoK: Security of Programmable Logic Controllers: Efrén López-Morales, Ulysse Planta, Carlos Rubio-Medrano, Ali Abbasi, Alvaro A. We focus on two specific questions: (1) whether IR signals could be sniffed by Credit Karma: Understanding Security Implications of Exposed Cloud Services through Automated Capability Inference Detecting Multi-Step IAM Attacks in AWS Environments via Model Checking Remote Direct Memory Introspection USENIX Security '23: Formal Analysis of SPDM: Security Protocol and Data Model version 1. Any video, audio, and/or slides that are posted after the event are also free and open to everyone. This paper presents Cache Telepathy: an efficient mechanism to help obtain a DNN’s architecture using the cache side USENIX Security '17 Refereed Papers. USENIX Security 2023. Motivated by rising USENIX Best Papers. Available Media. The 18th USENIX WOOT Conference on Offensive Technologies (WOOT '24) will take place August 12–13, 2024, and will be co-located with the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium in Philadelphia, PA, United States. Papers. If you wish to submit a paper or deliver a talk at another upcoming USENIX event, please review the open Calls for Papers and Calls for Participation for our upcoming USENIX conferences. All researchers are encouraged to submit papers covering novel and scientifically significant practical works in computer security. Check them out at the symposium's technical sessions Web page. 2: Cas Cremers, Alexander Dax, Aurora Naska: USENIX Security '23: BunnyHop: Exploiting the Instruction Prefetcher: Zhiyuan Zhang, Mingtian Tao, Sioli O'Connell, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Daniel Genkin, Yuval Yarom: USENIX Security '23 USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, In this paper, we study the security of financial transactions made through digital wallets, focusing on the authentication, authorization, and access control security functions. Galvin, Mark S. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, In this paper, we design a security patch backporting framework and implement a prototype on injection vulnerability patches, called SKYPORT. Nominations are due by Thursday, May 1, 2025. The flaws have been discovered How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers. For USENIX Security '21, the first deadline will be June 11, 2020 and the final submission deadline for papers that appear in USENIX Security '21 will be February 4, 2021. USENIX Security Symposium, 2023. USENIX Security '23. –10:30 a. Vasquez, Stephen Checkoway, Hovav Shacham: USENIX Security '23: A Large Scale Study of the Ethereum Arbitrage Ecosystem: Robert McLaughlin, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna: USENIX Security '23 In this paper, however, we demonstrate the feasibility of a protocol-agnostic approach to proxy detection, enabled by the shared characteristic of nested protocol stacks inherent to all forms of proxying and tunneling activities. 258 lines (255 loc) · 108 KB. Opening Remarks and Awards. Thread spraying is a novel attack technique which forces the victim program to allocate many hidden areas. Conference Title Author(s) USENIX Security '24: 6Sense: Internet-Wide IPv6 Scanning and its Security Applications: Grant Williams, Mert Erdemir, Amanda Hsu, Shraddha Bhat, Abhishek Bhaskar, Frank Li, Paul Pearce: Papers. , all papers except those that have been revised after receiving an "Invited for Major Revision" decision at USENIX Security '25 or "Accept Conditional on Major Revision" at USENIX Security '24) should consist of at most 13 typeset pages for the main body of the paper, one additional page for discussing ethics considerations and compliance with the USENIX Security '20 has four submission deadlines. Phone: +1. S. Security 2000 Exhibition Call for Papers in PDF Format: securitypapers@usenix. Submissions should be finished, complete How and Where to Submit Refereed Papers. SOUPS 2023 USENIX Security '22. m. Yang, Kaitai Liang: USENIX Security '24: Speculative Denial-of-Service Attacks In Ethereum: Aviv Yaish, Kaihua Qin, Liyi Zhou, Aviv Zohar, Arthur Gervais: USENIX Security '24: Practical Data-Only Attack Presentation of the USENIX Security '13 Best Paper Awards and the 2013 USENIX Security Test of Time Award. tdv wdxx hybmza drkewsv ekkmg fqoonp bio oihyxh jlns eyf